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"hospoIQ reports are the most advanced we have used to date"


“Prior to using hospoIQ, we made our own reports on spreadsheets. Now we have timely reports which allow you to assess and plan your business, a key tool for any business.”

Falstone Hospitality Ltd currently oversees the operations for three individual brands in Twizel, including Top Hut Sports Bar, 65 Dine Gastropub & Smoke house and Super Liquor Twizel.


We spoke with Darrin Burgess, who manages and owns three brands with his wife Tracey, about Falstone’s decision to utilize HospoIQ for both hospitality businesses and his Super Liquor store.


The challenge: All businesses need knowledge. 


“We spent five years developing the site and remodelling and rebranding the business. This has brought about a significant lift in sales and therefore while operating more effectively has its own set of issues.” 


Darrin reported that one of the biggest costs for the business is wage cost; and staffing in itself appears to be a challenge for a remote location like Twizel. 


“The ever-increasing popularity for travellers and tourist is not matched by permanent residence and so therefore we’re having to look far afield for staff. The industry nationally has a lack of good qualified personnel to draw from so we have turned to the overseas market for seasonal workers. That in itself has had its drawbacks with immigration laws being revised.” 


The Solution: Get accurate knowledge. Live. 


“HospoIQ have provided a service and a solution that exceeds what we require. They provided more knowledge with live linked data that gives accurate up to date reports from front of house and back office at our fingertips.”


The team sat down for a one-on-one with Darrin, and straight away they knew this was going to be a great fit. With having the required information readily available, Darrin and his team of managers are able to manage their staffing cost more effectively.  


“The conversations we have with our managers are far more intelligent and therefore offering them tools to be able to control and report back with their business units.”  


The result: Better planning. Far better results. 


“Our weekly management meetings, while not entirely focused on these reports, do shape the way we think about upcoming events.”


Each of Falstone Hospitality Ltd’s business units controls their own labour and purchasing budgets. With hospoIQ’s reports, managers are able to see visually what, where and when they need resources – human and material – which in turns enables planning and implementation to be more accurate.


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