How to manage your site's calendar to increase the accuracy of your projections
How to manage your site's calendar to increase the accuracy of your projections
How to setup the connection to Xero, import Profit & Loss data and generate Xero invoices
How to setup the connection to Xero, import Profit & Loss data and generate Xero invoices
Event Calendar
How to manage your business calendar to increase the accuracy of your predictions
Event Calendar
How to manage your business calendar to increase the accuracy of your predictions
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Viewing Sales Targets in your hospoIQ Reports
Your Sales Targets can be viewed on all your dashboards, such as the Today, Yesterday, Last Week, This Week and Next Week reports. You will be able to see your Sales Target for a day and the percentage of Target you achieve.
Last Week and This Week will also show and highlight how much each day's actual sales varies from the target (red if below, green if above).